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Buy Abroad News

08 Jul 11

UK Planning Rules set To Change In Favour Of Developers

When virtually all news about the Uk housing market continues to depress large developers, come good news has emerged about changes in panning rules which will hopefully open up new areas of development for UK property builders.

A new paper from the goverment will make it easier to get planning on a host of land that has previously been off limits.

The National Planning Policy Framework report, states that local authorities would have to approve development applications “without delay” unless they can prove that the negative impacts developing on so-called ‘green belt’ land would “significantly and demonstrably” outweigh the benefits.

It says: “A positive planning system is essential because, without growth, a sustainable future cannot be achieved.” “This means the Government expects the planning system to proactively encourage growth to meet the needs of business.”

Green belt regions include rural areas surrounding Bedfordshire, Bristol, Birmingham, Cambridge, Oxford, Brighton, Bournemouth.

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